Affordable Housing
The Affordable Housing Tax Credit program was created by Congress in 1986 to provide an incentive to private developers to develop quality housing at affordable rents. Since 1986, the program has become the most successful affordable rental housing program in our country’s history. Through programmatic rent and income restrictions, the program serves low- to moderate-income individuals and households. Each state manages an application process, whereby interested developers compete for housing tax credit awards. Due to the very competitive landscape and heavy time requirements, it is difficult to business plan around the Housing Tax Credit program. However, The Fortus Group recognizes the social and strategic value of the Program, and it will play an important complementary role in our overall planning.
Fortus Chairman, Adam Probst, has been involved in the housing tax credit industry since 1995, and other team members also have extensive experience in the business. Overall, Fortus team members have participated in more than 60 awarded developments, across 10 states.
35 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2005 under a previous partnership.
80 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2005 under a previous partnership.
64 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2005 under a previous partnership.
104 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2004 under a previous partnership.
96 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2004 under a previous partnership.
Hauenstein Hills Apartments II
56 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2003 under a previous partnership.
88 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2002 under a previous partnership.
96 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2000 under a previous partnership.
58 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1999 under a previous partnership.
48 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1998 under a previous partnership.
48 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1998 under a previous partnership.
80 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1996 under a previous partnership.
40 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1996 under a previous partnership.
48 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 1995 under a previous partnership.
56 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2003 under a previous partnership.
64 unit Affordable Housing deal developed in 2002 under a previous partnership.